Gaining Ground: Indigenous Video in Bolivia, Mexico, and Beyond.
American Anthropologist, June 2004, v. 106, no. 2, pp. 353-362
In this article and interview with Jesús Tapia and Ivan Sanjinés, Jeff Himpele looks at the practices and history of various centres of indigenous film and video in Bolivia and Mexico that emerged in the 1990’s. Tania, Sanjinés, and a third director, Marcelina Cárdenas, recently undertook a tour entitled Ojo del Condor (Eye of the Condor), which included a month long series of screenings at the National Museum of the American Indian and the Taos Talking Picture Film Festival, where they received the Taos Mountain Achievement Award. The interviewees outline their use of media as a cultural defense, a means of self-determination, and their hopes for a slot on mainstream Latin American Television, potentially culminating in a channel devoted to indigenous work.
ITEM 2004.139 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Cursed Gold – CEFREC
Whispers of Death – CEFREC
Loving Each Other in the Shadows – Marcelina Cárdenas