Immanent death
Mix, Summer 2004, v. 30, no. 1, pp. 46-49
A review of by Brenda Goldstein of the video collective 640 480's exhibition True love will find you in the end. A walk through the collective's previous shows reveals its interest in video's inviability as an economic object and its instability as a medium. True love is an attempt to give permanence to the ephemerality of the medium of video. The collective employed embroidery software to produce stitched reproductions on fabric of the frames of a one-minute video. The exhibition is also a comment on memory loss as each person who walked away with an embroidered frame came away only with an eighteen-hundredth of the original.
ITEM 2004.147 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
True love will find you in the end – 640 480
Reduced to Clear – 640 480
Video Centrefold – 640 480
Video Sells Out – 640 480