The Long and Short of It: Some Thoughts on Film Length
Afterimage, Mar. 1981, v. 8, no. 8, pp. 6-8
A discussion of very short and very long films outside of feature length, with an emphasis on film. Avant-garde filmmaking, excluded but also liberated from the requirements of mainstream exhibition and distribution, have usually ignored the two-hours standard. Mainstream audiences often find that short independent films are too long because they are accustomed to the narrative structures of the mainstream.
Independent filmmakers who make long films often intend them for specific events, or use the extended length to reveal to the audience that the passivity with which they attend mainstream films will not be rewarding in these screenings, goading them to engage more intensely with the visuals and the form of the film that they take for granted. Diary films that span many years can also be viewed as long single film, where the expense of long lengths of film are countered by shooting on a cheap format.
Short films were once programmed as disposable warm-ups for features, but the power of the TV ad should assure the viewer that shorts can have considerable influence. The labour-intensive nature of animation predisposes it towards the short, and other filmmakers similarly interested in the frame as a visual unit tend to produce dense short films.
ITEM 1981.053 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen – Michael Snow
La Région Centrale – Michael Snow
Sirius Remembered – Stan Brakhage
Empire – Andy Warhol
Sleep – Andy Warhol
Blues – Larry Gottheim
1 to 60 Seconds – Taka Iimura
Highway Landscape – J.J. Murphy
One Year-1970 – Robert Huot
The Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse - Part I: Huge Pupils, 1973 – Andrew Noren
Diaries Notes and Sketches – Jonas Mekas
Kitch's Last Meal – Carolee Schneemann
Zorns Lemma – Holllis Frampton
Hapax Legomena – Hollis Frampton
Magellan – Hollis Frampton
Adebar – Peter Kubelka
Phases of the Moon – Tom Chomont
Mothlight – Stan Brakhage
Word movie/Fluxfilm 29 – Paul SHarits
I-94 – James Benning
I-94 – Bette Gordon
Cold Cows – Franklin Miller
Mongoloid – Bruce Connor
Preview – J.J. Murphy
Red Stockings – Robert Huot
The Wilkenson Household Fire Alarm – Morgan Fisher