Art & Technology- The New Combine
Art in America, Jan. 1968, v. 56, no. 1, pp. 29-37
An article about the symbiotic relationship between art and technology. Author Douglas Davis posits that 'technology has always left its imprint upon art', citing its affect in art materials since the development of pigment. He goes on to relate technology to the process of making, not just the material. Davis goes on to summarize contemporary artists practices of the era working with, about and because of technology, such as Les Levine, Soroku Toyoshima, John Whitney and Norman Zammitt.
ITEM 1968.005 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Larry Bell
Solid Construction – Norman Zammitt
Piotr Kowalski
No. 35 – William Morehouse
The Marvelous Electronic Device for Young and Old Alike – Gil Henderson
Untitled – Craig Kauffman
Max Neuhaus
Maxfeed – Les Levine
Star Garden – Soroku Toyoshima
John Whitney
Human Body III – Alex Hay
Lucinda Child
Grass Field – David Tudor
Bandoneon! (a combine)