Modern times: Appropriation of Culture: The IBM Tramp by Stephen Papson
Afterimage, Apr. 1986, v. 13, no. 9, p. 23
A review of a self-distributed educational tape by sociologist Stephen Papson that carefully analyses the ongoing IBM campaign that recreates excerpts from Modern Times. The author champions Papson's analysis of IBM's abuse of Chaplin's Tramp because it eschews the abstract, arty and therefore confusing video deconstructions of commercials by artists like Dara Birnbaum.
ITEM 1986.105 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Appropriation of Culture: The IBM Tramp – Stephen Papson
Pop-Pop Video – Dara Birnbaum
Made for TV – Ann Magnuson
Science Mix – Steve Hawley
Science Mix – Tom Steyger
Martha Rosler
Bruce Barber