Tales from the Creeped: The Animated Films of Barry Doupe
Border Crossings, 2010, v. 29, no. 113, pp. 66-74
Henderson describes the work of Vancouver based filmmaker Barry Doupe, an animation artist who works on the 32-bit home computer software of video games of the '90's. The films are character driven, with a strange narrative of the characters playing out their roles. "Doupe's animations play with the creepy aesthetic of the video game anti-narrative", emphasized by the unnerving quality of 32-bit animation. The usability of the software enables Doupe complicated, super-experimental narratives that reference a hack aesthetic, with awkward pauses, exploiting the broken-down quality to contribute to the overall effect.
ITEM 2010.013 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Thale – Barry Doupe
A Boy on a Dock Blowing His Nose – Barry Doupe
Distraught Mother Reunites with her Children – Barry Doupe
At the Heart of a Sparrow – Barry Doupe
Ponytail – Barry Doupe
Whose Toes – Barry Doupe