Critical Writing Index

Northern Exposure

by Catherine Elwes

Art Monthly, June 1998, no. 217, pp. 7-11

This article is an examination of Canadian video artists and their works in comparison to British video art in the 1998 British Canadian Video Exchange. Here, the author characterizes current British video as rarely overtly concerned with social or political issues, and by contrast, Canadian video continues its connection with social realities and the work of marginalized groups.

ITEM 1998.010 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Fresh Blood, a Consideration of Belongingb. h. Yael

From the Transit BarVera Frenkel

The Polish VersionVera Frenkel

Blood RecordsDavid Hall

ShimmerLisa Steele and Kim Tomczak

CrushNelson Henricks

Tasman Richardson

Leslie Peters

Norman Cohn

Zacharias Kunuk

Nelson Henricks