You and Me and Her and Us and Them: A Conversation on Using and Being Used.
C Magazine, Spring 2011, no. 109, pp. 6-13
The following article by painter and writer Sholem Krishtalka is an interview between artists Margaux Williamson and Sheila Heti. Krishtalka expresses her views and concerns of being represented in both the artists work, (Williamson's film Teenager Hamlet, and Heti's book How Should a Person Be?). The three artists pounder the idea of seeing how one's self is represented by another, as well as discussing the use of fellow artists and friends as tools to make art.
ITEM 2011.005 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Teenager Hamlet – Margaux Williamson
How Should a Person Be? – Sheila Heti