Realities Old and New: The 23rd Incarnation of the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam
POV, Spring 2011, no. 81, pp. 30-33
"Realities Old and New," provides a concise discussion of the 12 day, 23rd International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), and its success at its new location in the city centre, Rembrandtplein. There was a strong presence of Iranian film, chronicling the nations history, politics, and contemporary culture. Iranian films at IDFA included Ali Samadi Ahadi's The Green Wave,The Silent Majority Speaks, created by an anonymous collective, It's Confirmed by Jamshid Mojadadi, Justine Shapiro's Our Summer in Tehran, and Joe Ayella's American Coup. Other films dealing with middle eastern subject matter were Holy Wars by Stephen Marshall which explores religious extremism in America, London, England, Lebanon and Pakistan; and Feathered Cocaine, co-directed by Orn Marino Arnarson and Thorkell S. Hardarson, which exposes the falcon trade in the Arab world. IDFA also offered a three day training program for aspiring public and the industry, featuring Dutch filmmaker Leonard Retel Helmrich, and Finnish filmmaker Pirjo Honkasalo. Honkasalo also curated a selection of 10 documentaries that "had a profound effect on her filmmaking," including Earth by Alexandr Dovzhenko and Kyoto, My Mother's Place by Nagisa Oshima.
ITEM 2011.011 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
The Green Wave – Ali Samadi Ahadi
The SIient Majority Speaks – An Anonymous Collective
It's Confirmed – Jamshid Mojadadi
Our Summer in Tehran – Justine Shapiro
American Coup – Joe Ayella
Holy Wars – Stephen Marshall
Feathered Cocaine – Orn Marino Arnarson
" – Thorkell S. Hardarson
Position Among the Stars – Leonard Retel Helmrich
Atman – Pirjo Honkasalo
Earth – Alexandr Dovzhenko
Kyoto, My Mother's Place – Nagisa Oshima