Open-Source Cinema is Dead
POV, Spring 2011, no. 81, pp. 22-25
Open Source Cinema is Dead, discusses the history of Open Source Cinema's website; it was "shuttered" recently, threatening the future of collaborative documentary in Canada. The article examines the effective aspects of in order to identify what is needed to ensure "the success of future collaborative documentary filmmaking efforts in Canada"(May,23). May offers advice from Brett Gaylor, the most successful "opensource" user, and creator of Rip!: A remix manifesto, as well as some of his own tips such as the importance of being realistic when asking for collaborative help with a project online, the importance of establishing copyright and ownership over the project, and the effectiveness of crowd-funding through sites such as and
ITEM 2011.012 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
RiP!: A remix manifesto – Brett Gaylor
EVOLVE LOVE – Velcrow Ripper
Preempting Dissent: Open Sourcing Secrecy – Brett Gaylor