Canadian Art, Summer 2011, v. 28, no. 2, p. 114
Sholem Krishtalka sings the praises of Matthew Hyland's curatorship of Oakville Galleries Un-home-ly, and compliments Suzy Lake's Are You Taking to Me?... (1979), Paulette Philips's Homewrecker (2004), and Luanne Martineau's Dangler (2006), as well as the exhibition as a whole. Krishtalka credits Martha Rosler's Semiotics of the Kitchen (1975) as the benchmark work which catalyzed many feminist works, including the works featured in Un-home-ly.
ITEM 2011.014 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Are You Talking to Me?... – Suzy Lake
Homewrecker – Paulette Phillips's
Dangler – Luanne Martineau
Semiotics of the Kitchen – Martha Rosler