Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. October 30, 2010- February 13, 2011
C Magazine, Summer 2011, no. 110, pp. 49-50
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture presents an overview of the recent exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. The show surveyed almost a hundred years of queer subjectivity in American Portraiture. "The strong vision by co-curators Jonathan Katz and David Ward illustrated the legacy of sexual difference in art history, and the necessity of witnessing its complexities." (Rogerson, 49). The show was an examination into the subject of sexual difference and desire, exercising issues that "..[had once] been rendered obscure, and even silenced, in art history.."
The exhibition's title, "..aptly suggests the binaries of concealment and protection, investigation and struggle.. the title confirms the social complexity of what is rendered visible and invisible." (Rogerson, 50) Representing a large range of artists, from various time frames, backgrounds and working processes, Hide/Seek confirms the creative practices and existence of queer subjectivity in American Portraiture.
Going on to highlight the controversial symbolism present in many of these works, Rogerson makes evident the contributions of the Catholic League of America to this dialogue, resulting in the removal of work. These happenings "..remind us of the precarious nature of free speech and creative expression...[speaking] directly to a long history of negation" (Rogerson, 50).
ITEM 2011.022 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Thomas Eakins
George Bellows
Romaine Brooks
Carl Van Vechten
Berenice Abbott
In Memory of My Feelings- Frank O'Hara – Jasper Jones
Robert Rauschenberg
Andy Warhol
Anges Martin
AA Bronson
Glenn Ligon
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Catherine Opie
Painting No. 47, Berlin – Marsden Hartley
George Platt Lynes
Brian Ridley and Lyle Heeter – Robert Mapplethorpe
Nature Self Portrait No. 4 – Laura Aguilar
Rrose Selavy – Man Ray
I Look Just Like My Daddy – Cass Bird
Fire In My Belly – David Wojnarowicz