Snafus Snip Video Perspective
Winnipeg Free Press, Mar. 2, 1985, pp. 19-20
Randal McIlroy reviews The Winnipeg Art Gallery Video Show of 1985, presenting works by 22 video artists, 19 of which Canadian, consisting of six programs over four days, with a couple of works ongoing throughout the exhibition. Unfortunately, technical difficulties disallowed artists Dara Birnbaum, Elizabeth Vanderzaag and Elizabeth Chitty to have their work shown.
Canadian born, NYC based artist Susan Britton presented three works, including Freeze Frame which explored ideas surrounding the "...clutter of TV advertising in general and the rock video in particular." (McIlroy 19) Her parodies, highlighting the banalities of the aesthetic, consist of visual gimmicks and breathlessly paced imagery accompanied by electronic soundtracks. Her work You- You're the One, was also featured.
Vera Frankel's The Last Screening Room: A Valentine was one of the exhibitions continuous works, a 44-minute tape concerned with a Canada of the future, where art is illegal, storytelling prohibited, and a woman known as a Provacy Guarantor recalls short, simple stories told by inmates. McIlroy discusses this work in juxtaposition to surrounding works, which in their apparent pace differences, hindered it's potential to be fully realized.
Core by Vern Hume, a slow-moving study, was installed within an isolated space and was realized due to this. This three channel projection captures the energy of a living place, observing the Core Development Project in Winnipeg. Work by artists Rick Raxen and Raphael Bendaham are also included.
ITEM 1985.119 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Dara Birnbaum
Elizabeth Vander Zaag
Elizabeth Chitty
Robert Parrault
Freeze Frame – Susan Britton
You- You're The One – Susan Britton
The Last Screening Room: A Valentine – Vera Frankel
Core – Vern Hume
Jaffa Gate – Rick Raxlen
Le Jardin de Paradis – Raphael Bendaham