Lars Laumann: Cinéma Verité
Flash Art, Oct. 2010, pp. 104-106
In this interview, Lars Laumann discusses three of his videos works, Morrissey Foretelling the Death of Diana, Shut Up Child, This Ain't Bingo, and Kari & Knut. Laumann discusses his work in relation to appropriation, as he appropriates and juxtaposes found footage in many of his videos, as well as the internet and pop culture. The interview also focuses on elements of cinéma verité in Shut Up Child, This Ain't Bingo, and how it has made audiences very uncomfortable, to the point where they have trouble accepting what they see as reality.
ITEM 2010.085 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Morrissey Foretelling the Death of Diana – Lars Laumann
Shut Up Child, This Ain't Bingo – Lars Laumann
Kari & Knut – Lars Laumann