Deep Dish TV: Community Video from Geostationary Orbit
Leonardo, 1993, v. 26, no. 5, pp. 415-420
Popular electronic tools, in combination with satellite delivery systems, offer an opportunity for wide distribution of grassroots media. During the Persian Gulf War, peace activists and independent video producers pooled energy and resources to create a ten-part series on issues not covered by mainstream networks. These included such topics as the history of the Middle East, the resistance to the war and the effect of military expenditures on the U.S economy.
ITEM 1993.172 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Feed – Nam June Paik
From Woodstock to Tiananmen Square – Woody Vasulka
Steina Vasulka
Barbara Kruger
Juan Sanchez
David Thorn
Steve Kroninger
Julia Sher
Fred Wilson
Kevin Rafferty
Brian Springer
John Walden
Seth Tobanken
Mary Feaster
Paul Zaloom
Papoletto Melendez
Norman Cowie
Joel Katz
Tony Avalos
Karen Ranucci