J-Horror: New Media's Impact on Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema
Canadian Journal of Film Studies, Fall 2007, v. 16, no. 2, pp. 23-48
Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano analyses the development of Japanese horror film genre 'J-Horror' in its symbiotic relationship with new media technologies. Concentrating on films by Shimizu Takashi and Hideo Nakata, he looks at the role of new media in forming the genre. The importance of DVD format distribution as well as the new aesthetics of these technologies are discussed in relation to a breakaway from the Hollywood-centric world of cinema.
(Key Words: independent film, Japanese cinema)
ITEM 2007.153 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Marebito – Shimizu Takashi
Jun-on – Shimizu Takashi
The Grudge – Shimizu Takashi
Ringu – Hideo Nakata
The Ring – Hideo Nakata