In Another Time: Nostalgic Pasts and Utopian Futures in Yael Bartana's...and Europe will be Stunned, Jan. 21, 2013, no. 37:01, pp. 21-23
Laliv Melamed discusses the video trilogy ...and Europe will be Stunned, by Israeli-born artist Yael Bartana, to highlight the artist's ability to render in both future and past worlds, particularly in relation to the historical experiences of the Polish community. Bartana's videos are described as being mythical and fluid in time, which creates unique aesthetic practices and politics in her video work.
(Key Words: video, Soviet cinema, mythology, identity)
ITEM 2013.006 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
...and Europe will be Stunned – Yael Bartana
Mary Koszmary (Nightmares), 2007 – Yael Bartana
Mur i Wieza (Wall and Tower), 2009 – Yael Bartana
Zamach (Assassination), 2011 – Yael Bartana