Artisanal Prefigurations of the Digital: Animating Realities, Collage Affects, and Theories of Image Manipulation
Wide Angle, Jan. 1999, v. 21, no. 1, pp. 47-62
Maureen Cheryn Turim describes how digitization allows ‘capricious play’ with visual truth due to its potential to manipulate disparate materials and its lack of a trace of process. She also points to the problems of theorizing the digital by excluding it from the 'artisanal' (painting, photography, film, language) stating that "only through combining what we know of its (digital) processes with what we know of the processes of art and language will we know anything at all about the digital".
ITEM 1999.098 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Robert Capa
Dorothea Lange
Margaret Bourke White
Combatanta – Jeff Murphy
2-3-4-D Digital Revisions in Time and Space – Esther Parada
A Theory of Semiotics – Umberto Eco
Camera Lucida – Roland Barthes
Soundgated Images, Time/Energy Objects – Vasulkas
Robert Rauschenberg
I Do Not Know What it is that I am Like – Bill Viola
What We Talk about When We Speak About Love – Raymond Carver