Public Art Dialogue, Sept. 2012, v. 2, no. 2, pp. 254-265
The author discusses the project (and associated exhibition) iraqmemorial.org. The purpose of the project is to honor and commemorate the deaths of thousands of civilians killed since the commencement of “Operation Iraqi Freedom” on March 19, 2003; to establish an Internet archive as a living memorial that will serve as a repository of memorial concepts; to mobilize an international community of artists to contribute proposals that will represent a collective expression of memory, unity and peace; to encourage the vigilance of contemporary memory in a time of war; to stimulate an understanding of the consequences and costs of “the war on terror”; to support the moral imperative of recognizing the deaths of Iraqi civilians; and to create a context for the initiation of a process of symbolic, creative atonement.
ITEM 2012.048 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
iraqmemorial.org – Joseph DeLappe