Wassily Kandinsky's Concerning the Spiritual in Art and the video works of Sylvia Safdie, Marisa Portolese, Marielle Nitoslawska, and Sarindar Dhaliwal
Journal of Canadian Art History, Fall 2012, v. 33, no. 2, pp. 100-126
The article discusses the video art of Canadian immigrant or second-generation immigrant artists, including Sylvia Safdie, Marisa Portolese, and Marielle Nitoslawska, in the light of Wassily Kandinsky's book "Concerning the Spiritual in Art." Topics mentioned include how each artist's religious and cultural background is manifested in their art, how an emerging post-secular approach to religion is arising in art, and how Kandinsky's ideas are reflected in each work.
ITEM 2012.051 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Dust (2009) – Sylvia Safdie
In Wall, A Triptych (2009) – Sylvia Safdie
The Guardian (2009) – Sylvia Safdie
Morning (2009) – Sylvia Safdie
Pieta (2010) – Marisa Portolese
A Descent into the Maelstrom (2010) – Marisa Portolese
Possible Movements (2010) – Marielle Nitoslawska: Sensations of Sacred Space
Olive, Almond & Mustard (2010) – Sarindar Dhaliwal