Dialogue Across Decades:: BLW and People's Communication Network Exercises in Remembering and Forgetting
Journal of Film and Video, Spring 2012, v. 64, no. 1-2, pp. 17-29
Chris Hill critically explores the "Re-Speaking" Project of the artist collective, BLW. The performances recover speech in our media-heavy culture, interrogating the video-recording, which, characterizing the struggle of marginalized social groups, acts as a "repository for memory and a technology of forgetting". In particular, the article looks at BLW's re-creation of activist Audley Moore's (Queen Mother Moore) recorded speech at Green Haven Prison.
ITEM 2012.061 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
"Re-Speaking" Projects – BLW
Surveying the First Decade – Rozalinda Borcila
"I am going" – Sarah Lewison
Julie Wyman