Public Domains: Engaging Iraq Through Experimental Digitalities
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, Fall 2007, v. 48, no. 2, pp. 66-83
A diverse range of public media works counter the dominant view of Muslims and of Islam in the dominant media of the United States. This article takes stock of several of these works and the forms that they take, including, a blog and listserv that features the work of postconceptual artist Naeem Mohaeimen, a member of the Visible Collective, as well as the projects of other collectives including Deep Dish TV, Code Pink, and The Preemptive Media Collective.
These works may offer a way to reclaim and reinvent public domains beyond the strangleholds of corporate media.
ITEM 2007.167 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Shocking and Awful – Deep Dish TV
Fallujah – Code Pink
The Evil Series – Tony Cokes
ZAPPED! – Preemptive Media Collective