New Left-Wing Melancholy: Mark Tribe's "The Port Huron Project" and the Politics of Reenactment
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, Spring 2009, v. 50, no. 1, pp. 139-157
In 2007, the journal "October" posed a question via questionnaire: "In what ways have artists, academics, and cultural institutions responded to the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq?" They use Mark Tribe's "The Port Huron Project" as an example of how protest can inform intellectual history. Tribe's project is described as one that serves as proof of the influence of historic protests on cultural producers. This article begs the question: what is the relation of "The Port Huron Project" to the history that it reenacts? In his project, Tribe's reenactment of The Port Huron Statement does not interpret the past but re-presents it, its temporal dislocation allowing for a historical intervention.
ITEM 2009.138 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
The Port Huron Project – Mark Tribe
In the Near Future – Sharon Hayes