The Object That Remains
South Asian Visual Arts Centre, 2011
These short films and videos rub against the grain of a common narrative about migration and globalization, where objects nostalgically connect us to places and times lost. Although it is perhaps alluring to consider the material and affective ties created by objects that tell a story, a more compelling tale might be told through the disenchanted object that stubbornly remains in spite of our best efforts. What role do these non-nostalgic objects play in the context of the moving image? In other words, how does the moving image frame and create an inventory of these objects?
ITEM 2011.103 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Tade – Smriti Mehra
Tade – Tahire Lal
No – Jane Chang Mi
Seeking Single White Male – Vivek Shraya
What is the Weight of the Moon? – Nabil Ahmad
Protocol – Hasan Morshed
Lying in Wait – Ambereen Siddiqui
An Experiment on MG Road – Asim Waqif
Capsule – Shireen Soliman
Measuring – Nahed mansour
The Exception and the Rule – Karen Mirza
The Exception and the Rule – Brad Butler