Jordan Wolfson: Raspberry Poser
C Magazine, Summer 2013, no. 118, pp. 53-54
A review of Jordal Wolfson's exhibition at the Roy and Edna Disney Cal Arts Theatre (REDCAT), where his most recent video animation, Raspberry Poser, was shown. While Wolfson's work may be reminiscent of Disney animation on the surface, Wolfson's videos are not G-rated. Author Jen Hutton describes Wolfson's videos as "seductive, unsettling, and ultimately provoking." While the article focuses on Raspberry Poser, earlier works of Wolfson's, such as Con Leche and Animation Masks, are mentioned in order to trace Wolfson's trajectory as a young video and animation artist. Raspberry Poser is populated with pop culture references and features pop hits for much of the soundtrack, but this belies the weighty themes that play out in the video.
ITEM 2013.123 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Raspberry Poser – Jordan Wolfson
Con Leche – Jordan Wolfson
Animation Masks – Jordan Wolfson