The Present as Enduring Past: Recollecting Through the Works of Kerry Tribe, Petrina Ng and Lindsay Seers
C Magazine, Fall 2012, no. 115, pp. 35-41
Rachel Anne Farquharson writes about artistic techniques using analog and digital processes that explore the complexities of recollecting personal memory as they often exist within the context of cultural collective memories. As these memories exist simultaneously, our own histories become a mix of fact and fiction that becomes difficult to define what is true. Farguharson explores these issues through the works of Kerry Tribe, Pertina Ng, and Lindsay Seers.
ITEM 2012.104 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
H.M. – Kerry Tribe
A Short History of Relations – Pertina Ng
Mobile Home – Pertina Ng
There Will Be _______ – Kerry Tribe
Human Camera – Lindsay Seers
Extra-mission 6 (Black Maria) – Lindsay Seers