Part One: Language and Interdisciplinarity: (Re-)contextualizing Nicole Brossard's Picture Theory
Trans/acting culture, writing, memory: essays in honour of Barbara Godard, 2013, pp. 59-76
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013
This chapter provides a context for understanding the influence of inter-media on the writing of Nicole Brossard. The article first gives a brief history of inter-media performance starting with performance work of the 1930s and 40s, including Automatiste Claude Gauvreau. The author goes on to discuss the contemporary installation and multimedia work of Vera Frenkel and Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller. The key features the author notes in these works are their neo-baroque aesthetics and the logic of rebus puzzles they employ. In the writing of Brossard, similar traits are reflected in its holographic aesthetics where scenes in her novels are "propositions" of reality.
ITEM 2013.135 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Bien-etre etre (The Good Life) – Claude Gauvreau
Herman Voaden
Colours in the Dark – James Reaney
Robert Lepage
This Is Your Messiah Speaking – Vera Frenkel
The Missing Voice – Janet Cardiff
The Missing Voice – George Bures Miller
Picture Theory – Nicole Brossard
Baroque at Dawn – Nicole Brossard