Critical Writing Index


by Thomas Zummer

Milennium Film Journal, 2004, v. 42, pp. 32-51

New York City: Millennium Film Workshop, 2004

ISSN 10645586

A discussion of the latest series of works of artist and filmmaker Ellen Zweig. Zweig's series of videos explores the phatasmatic constructions of China by various Western figures. Zweig illustrates the ways in which China has been misinterpreted and represented to Western society, and the inherent appeal of a perception of the "exotic orient."

ITEM 2004.171 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Hubert's LureEllen Zweig

(Tongue Tongue Stone) G.W. LeibnitzEllen Zweig

(unsolved) Robert Van GulikEllen Zweig

(The Chinese Room) John SearleEllen Zweig