Persona, 1981
New York: The New Museum, 1981
This essay, which accompanied the exhibition Persona, examines the creation of personae by a number of artists, including Colin Campbell. Here, the use of a persona as a form of self expression is examined, as a more rigorous investigation of the self away from expression for its own sake while also taking into account and enlarging the concept of the artist's medium of production. This text also includes a statement by Colin Campbell about his work in the context of this exhibition, specifically focusing on the idea of the heroine.
ITEM 1981.027 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Woman From Malibu – Colin Campbell
The Temperature in Lima – Colin Campbell
Hollywood and Vine – Colin Campbell
King – Eleanor Antin
Roberta Breitmore – Lynn Hershman
Justine – Colette
Ray Rodrique – Martial Westburg
Eddie Glove – Bruce Charlesworth
alter-image – James Hill