Inuit Art Collective Isuma to Represent Canada at 2019 Venice Biennale
Canadian Art, Dec 13, 2017, p. 3
This brief article from Canadian Art announces that the Inuit film from Isuma collective will be featured at 2019 Venice Biennale. Isuma, which was co-founded in 1990 by Kunuk, Cohn, Paul Apak Angilirq and Paullosie Qulitalik, is an indigenous collective to preserve Inuit culture and language and show Inuit stories to the world. Through the experimental storytelling, Isuma's style of community-based filmmaking presents the story largely rotted in the North.
ITEM 2017.030 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
From Inuk Point of View – Zacharias Kunuk