Critical Writing Index

HOW: Engagements with the "Hollywood Indian"

by Ryan Rice

Toronto: A Space (Artists Space), 2008

"This exhibition explores the legacy of the one-dimensional depictions of Native North Americans developed in film, art and literature, which have become accepted as authentic in the nation's consciousness, affecting historic truth and contributing to stereotypical notions of Indigenous peoples. In HOW: Engagements with the "Hollywood Indian", the artists either confront the simplistic misconceptions imposed upon an Indigenous collective consciousness, or expose the alluring influence and desire Hollywood has had on Indigenous lives and imagination." [Quote taken from]

ITEM 2008.202 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Sarah Sense

Greg Staats

Tommy Deer

Terrance Houle

Nadya Kwandibens

Walter Kahero:ton Scott

Torry Mendoza

Rosalie Favell

Ryan Rice