Critical Writing Index


by Wanda Nanibush

Toronto: YYZ Books, Vtape, 2011

"Mzinkojige Waabang (To Carve Tomorrow) is an Indigenous art festival of exhibitions held in conjunction with the Revisioning the Indians of Canada Pavilion: Ahzhekewada (Let Us Look Back) conference, 15-16 October 2011, produced by the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective (ACC). The conference is co-produced by the Aboriginal Visual Culture Program at OCAD University. Mzinkojige Waabang literally means to carve tomorrow and can also mean he/she is carving or fancy carving tomorrow. The theme captures the intent of the festival in showcasing the work of Indigenous artists and curators and the multitude of ways they are actively creating our contemporary Indigenous cultures and imagining our future. It also illustrates the ACC’s commitment to making sure there are spaces, critical and physical, for Indigenous artists tomorrow." -[Copied from page five of the catalogue].

"This catalogue documents the exhibitions produced by Aboriginal Curatorial Collective (ACC) for Mzinkojige Waabang, which include: drift curated by Ryan Rice; Signs of Sorrow curated by David Garneau and Margaret Farmer; and Big Eye curated by Jenny Fraser. The other Mzinkojige Waabang exhibitions have their own publications and were produced by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival and Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography. M: Stories of Women, new photography and video works by Shelley Niro was curated by Sally Frater and produced by Gallery 44. S-O-S3 (signals of survival) curated by Cheryl L’Hirondelle and presented at A Space; and Vital to the General Public Welfare, new works by Jason Lewis presented at Edward Day Gallery, were both produced by imagineNATIVE."

-[Copied from pages six and seven of the catalogue].

BIG EYE, curated by Jenny Fraser was on view at Vtape from October 15 to November 25, 2011.

Catalogue Contents:


Curatorial statement for Signs of Sorrow;

Biographies for the curators and artists in Signs of Sorrow;

Curatorial statement for drift, curated by Ryan Rice;

Biographies for the curators and artists in drift;

Curatorial statement for Big Eye, curated by Jenny Fraser;

Biographies for the curators and artists in Big Eye;

Conference Schedule.

ITEM 2011.135 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

LineLee Henderson

borninthiskinVernon Ah Kee

driftMark Igloliorte

Untitled (2008)Mark Igloliorte

Untitled (2011)Mark Igloliorte

Two Willy WilliesFrank McLeod

Boy and MothJohn Graham, Christine Peacock & Rebekah Pitt

Darkness CallsSteven Keewatin Sanderson

The Echidna & The TurtleGunbalanya Community & Gozer Media

Baby BluesColin Curwen

TimeTravellerSkawennati Tricia Fragnito

Raiders of the Lost ArtDark Thunder Productions

other[wize]Jenny Fraser

The Sugar BushChad Solomon and Christopher Meyer

Raven PowerDark Thunder Productions

The VoyageursChad Solomon and Christopher Meyer

Darkness Calls in GitxsanThe Healthy Aboriginal Network

BallawinneFrank McLeod

Tuggan-TugganFrank McLeod

Moon and His Two WivesFrank McLeod

How Bama Got BiriFrank McLeod

What is Blakfulla doing in a virtual realm?Aroha Groves

The Orphan BoyGunbalanya Community & Gozer Media