Twisting Conventions: A Feminist Indigenous Perspective on the Horror Genre
Toronto: Vtape
This Fellowship essay, Twisting Conventions: Feminist
Indigenous Perspective on the Horror Genre was produced in association with Vtape's Curatorial Incubator v.10. In her essay Vanessa Dion Fletcher the video art of artists Ariel Smith and TJ Cuthand, both of whom reference the horror genre thematically in their works. Specifically, Fletcher applies the archetype of the "monstrous-feminine" as discussed by Barbara Creed in her book The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993).
ITEM 2012.150 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
You are a Lesbian Vampire – Theo J. Cuthand
Helpless Maiden Makes an "I" Statement – Theo J. Cuthand
1,2,3 Knockup – Ariel Smith
Saviour Complex – Ariel Smith
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism and Psycoanalysis – Barbara Creed