Spaces: Trenches and Sandbags
Centerfold, Sept Fall 1978, v. 2, no. 6, pp. 1-120
This is the sixth issue of the second volume of Centerfold, an arts periodical produced in Calgary, Alberta and edited by Clive Robertson.
Centerfold published advertisements and articles about installations, video, and performance.
The Poland Report: Brian Dyson
An interview with Taka Iimura
The Artist attains Ham Radio Status in the era of Total Thought Conveyance: Tom Sherman
Know no galleries: A Statement: Clive Robertson
Roderney Werden's "Baby Dolls:" Lisa Steele
The Terms: Limits to Performance?: Bruce Barber
9 Individual artists' views after the "New ArtsSpace Conference": ed. Dorit Cypis
Imagine A Space as Karen Ann Quinlan: AA Bronson
And in the Blue Corner from Toronto, Canada: Clive Robertson
Reviews: Catalogues: "Japanese Video Art Festival", "Video Koans", "Fifth Network Cinuième Réseau"
plus "Edition 1", "Some artists for example Joseph Beuys"
ITEM 1978.06 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Kyoko Michishita