Critical Writing Index

Time Being: The Moving Images of Daniel Cockburn

by Tom McSorley

Canadian Film Institute, 2013

ISBN 0-919096-49-2

"Intellectually febrile, philosophically fertile, and formally agile, the works of Daniel Cockburn are propelled by that great Canadian cinematic preoccupation with ontological and epistemological uncertainty. By turns essayistic, diaristic, satiric, poetic, dramatic, and comedic, Cockburn's explorations of contemporary media-saturated experience also grapple with our predicament of existing in time, located and dislocated as we are within its skein of possibilities and limitations" (from the back cover).

Contents: All in the Family, by Mike Hoolboom; Disorder, by Jerrett Zaroski; Music, Meaning and the Movies: the dilemmas of Metronome, by Marc Glassman; Counting Lesson, by Tom McSorley; Push Just Play: Continuity and the Digital Collection, by Christopher Rohde; Borges Alone, by Tom McSorley; The Rhythms of Daniel Cockburn: An Odd Kind of Sympathy, by Jessica Mulvogue; Language/Game/Boy: Thought On, In and Around the Videos of Daniel Cockburn, by Scott Birdwise; Interview, by Tom McSorley; Videography/Filmography; Contributors' bios

ITEM 2013.026 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

AuditDaniel Cockburn

Nocturnal DoublingDaniel Cockburn

The Impostor (hello goodbye)Daniel Cockburn

WeakendDaniel Cockburn

Sackville, I'm YoursColin Campbell

Figure Vs. GroundDaniel Cockburn

You Are HereDaniel Cockburn

Stupid Coalescing BecomersDaniel Cockburn

MetronomeDaniel Cockburn

ContinuityDaniel Cockburn

New Refutation of TimeJorge Luis Borges

RhythmanalysisHenri Lefebvre

The Dialectic of DurationGaston Bachelard

All the Mistakes I've MadeDaniel Cockburn

The Author as GestureGiorgio Agamben

Steve Reinke