Matter/Flesh/Spirit/Ground: An Overview of the Video Work of Wendy Geller
Halifax NS: Centre For Art Tapes and Dalhousie Art Gallery, 2003
ISBN 0973369000
This catalogue accompanies the exhibition Matter/Flesh/Spirit/Ground: An Overview of the Video Work of Wendy Geller, presented by the Centre for Art Tapes in partnership with Dalhousie Art Gallery in 2003. The exhibition was curated by Michelle Jacques and Susan Gibson Garvey. The catalogue includes an essay by Jayne Wark titled "Garden of Delights," along with an "Introduction" by James MacSwain.
Wark provides a survey of Geller's video work beginning with the artists' first video Private Residence (1973) and concluding with her last Natural History: Case Studies (1993). Wark draws connections across Geller's video practice, with particular attention to her feminist morals. Geller presents a critical examination of feminine domesticity, codes of femininity in popular culture, and the treatment of the female body. In her investigation of the feminine, Geller probes at methods of representation, attending to the role of words and images.
The catalogue includes a list of works featured in the exhibition.
ITEM 2003.180 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Private Residence – Wendy Geller
48-Hour Beauty Blitz – Wendy Geller
Semiotics of the Kitchen – Martha Rosler
Jill Skinner - Diary of a Star – Wendy Geller
Six – Wendy Geller
Seven, and Domestic Bliss – Wendy Geller
Learning About Feminine Sexuality – Wendy Geller
Stories for the Garden – Wendy Geller
Natural History: Case Studies – Wendy Geller