Critical Writing Index

Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980

by Grant Arnold and Karen Henry

Edmonton: Art Gallery of Alberta, 2012

ISBN 9781895442885

This book accompanies the survey exhibition Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980, which toured across Canada through 2010 to 2013. The book defines Conceptual Art, provides a timeline of the movement, and analyzes numerous artworks. It is divided into regional subsections with chapters dedicated to the East Coast, Montreal, Ontario, the Prairies, and the West Coast. The authors highlight connections between artists, artworks, and regions in order to direct attention to the relational systems nurtured by Conceptual Art.


Forward by Kathleen S. Bartels et al;

Introduction by Grant Arnold et al;

Conceptual Art in Canada: The East Coast Story by Jayne Wark;

Language Is Not Transparent: Translating Conceptual Art in Montreal by Vincent Bonin;

Dated Conceptualism: Toronto, London, Guelph by William Wood;

Episodes in Conceptual Art on the Prairies by Catherine Crowston with Grant Arnold;

Reference/Cross Reference: Conceptual Art on the West Coast by Grant Arnold;

Early Conceptual Practices in Context: A Conversation by Blair French et al;

Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980: An Annotated Chronology by Vincent Bonin and Grant Arnold;

Artists and Works in the Exhibition;

Author and Contributor Biographies;


ITEM 2012.155 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

From Sunset to SunriseDan Graham

Lax/RelaxDan Graham

Two Correlated RotationsDan Graham

LikeDan Graham

TV Camera/Monitor PerformanceDan Graham

Two Consciousness ProjectionsDan Graham

Nude Two Consciousness Projection(s)Dan Graham

In Search of the MiraculousBas Jan Ader

Thoughts Unsaid, Then ForgottenBas Jan Ader

InfofictionLee Lozano

Language PiecesLee Lozano

Homage to Sam LangfordGreg Curnoe

I Will Not Make Anymore Boring ArtJohn Baldessari

A Shot in the DarkPat Kelly

Length 4Gerald Ferguson

Location Piece #25Douglas Heubler

My Fourth Grade ClassGarry Neill Kennedy

O CanadaJoyce Weiland

Kiss OffVito Acconci

TrademarksVito Acconci

Canada in ParenthesesBill Vazan and Ian Wallace

Coins d'ateliersSerge Tousignant

A One Hour (Zero) Conversation with Allan B.Suzy Lake

Suzy Lake as...Suzy Lake

Sainte-Catherine Street WalkBill Vazan

Tour d'autobusBill Vazan

Vue d'une portion du trajetJean-Marie Delavalle

Série Écran PromenadePierre Boogaerts

Telephone SquareTom Dean

HochelagaRobert Walker

La sacré et le profaneRobert Walker

12+1+Raymond Gervais

Le Terrain du dictionnaireRober Racine

Le RobertRober Racine

Is Politics Art?Robert Walker

AuthorizationMichael Snow

Venetian BlindMichael Snow

Box with the Sound of Its Own MakingRobert Morris

Card FileRobert Morris

PortraitMichael Snow

KunstakademieArnaud Maggs

How to Hold a chiuahuaRebecca Singleton

How to wear a raincoat while wearing a slipRebecca Singleton

A Man IllustratingIan Carr-Harris

Untitled MagazineRobin Collyer

Birthday Suit--with scars and defectsLisa Steele

Internal PornographyLisa Steele

Insertion (My Mouth)Eric Cameron

Es In Arcadia Id: (Figure)Eric Cameron

Keeping Marlene Out of the PictureEric Cameron

Sounding BoardVito Acconci

KissRobert Bower

Blood Tap (or pressing out/pressing down)John McEwen

I'm a KillerJohn Watt

The Ballad of Dan PeoplesLisa Steele

String Games: Improvisations for Inter-City VideoVera Frenkel

True/FalseColin Campbell

Sackville, I'm YoursColin Campbell

3 Death StoriesTom Sherman

Distant Interior Sound, from a Photograph by Lynne CohenTom Sherman

EnvisionerTom Sherman

TVideoTom Sherman

PilotGeneral Idea

ShowcardsGeneral Idea

Cultural SignsCarole Conde and Karl Beveridge

Municipal Election PosterAndy Patton

Pace and ProcessRobert Morris

Condensed 220 Yard DashDennis Oppenheim

Flour DropJohn Van Saun

CornflakeLes Levine


A Natural Water Course Diverted Reduced or DisplacedLawrence Weiner

The Arctic Circle ShatteredLawrence Weiner

Family MusicClive Robertson

A Year of..fClive Robertson

The Sculptured Politics of Joseph BeuysClive Robertson

I will not make any more art (after John Baldessari, 1971)Brian Dyson

I Believe in MyselfMarcella Bienvenue

Do You Believe in TelevisionChris Burden

Work in Process (The Cube)Alex Poruchnyk

Sistine TonsFunnell

SidestreetRita McKeough

Mechanical BlissLinda Tooley and Reid Dickie's

FallJon Tupper

Landscape ManualJeff Wall

Red AngelGathie Falk

Landscape Morphology and Perceptual ToolsDean Ellis

Greetings from the Urban WildernessMichael de Courcy

Homes for AmericaDan Graham

A Tour of the MonumentsRobert Smithson

Long Beach to Peggy's CoveRoy Kiyooka

Forest IndustryGlenn Lewis

Sand PileTom Burrows

Personal BaggageCarole Itter

Pan-Am ScanIan Wallace