Critical Writing Index

The Emergence of Video Processing Tools: Television Becoming Unglued: Volume 1

by Kathy High, Sherry Miller Hocking and Mona Jimenez

Chicago: Intellect Ltd, 2014

ISBN 978-1-84150-663-0

"The Emergence of Video Processing Tools presents stories of the development of early video tools and systems designed and built by artists and technologists during the late 1960s and 1970s. Split over two volumes, the contributors examine the intersection of art and science and look at collaborations among inventors, designers, and artists trying to create new video tools to capture and manipulate images in fascinating and revolutionary ways. Volume One includes the sections 'Histories' and 'People and Networks' that look at the historic, aesthetic, and cultural context of custom-made video devices. The contributors include 'video pioneers' who have been active since the emergence of the aesthetic, and technologists who continue to design, build, and hack media tools. This book also looks at contemporary tool makers and the relationship between these new tools and the past. Video and media production is a growing area of interest in art, and this collection will be an indispensable guide to its origins and its future." (Taken from back cover.)

Contents: Acknowledgments, by Kathy High, Sherry Miller Hocking, and Mona Jimenez; Preface, by Kathy High, Sherry Miller Hocking, and Mona Jimenez; Introduction, by Kathy High; Beginnings (With Artist Manifestos), by Kathy High; Mapping Video Art as Category, or an Archaeology of the Conceptualizations of Video, by Jeremy Culler; Impulses - Tools, by Christiane Paul and Jack Toolin; The Art-Style Computer-Processing System, 1974, by Tom Sherman; Machine Aesthetics are Always Modern, by Tom Sherman; Electronic Video Instruments and Public Sector Funding, by Mona Jimenez; TV Lab: Image-Making Tools, by Howard Weinberg; The New Television Workshop at WGBH, Boston, by John Minkowsky; The National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED-TV, San Francisco, by John Minkowsky; The Experimental Television Center: Advancing Alternative Production Resources, Artist Collectives and Electronic Video-Imaging Systems, by Jeremy Culler; Interstitial Images: Histories; Introduction, by Sherry Miller Hocking; From Component Level: Interview with LoVid, by Michael Connor; Memory Series - Phosphography in CRT 5", Mexico, 2005, by Carolina Esparragoza; The Rhetoric of Soft Tools, by Marisa Olson; Jeremy Bailey and His 'Total Symbiotic Art System', Carolyn Tennant; De-commodification of Artworks: Networked Fantasy of the Open, by Timothy Murray; Virtuosity as Creative Freedom, by Michael Century; Distribution Religion, by Dan Sandin and Phil Morton; A Toy for a Toy, by Ralph Hocking; Woody Vasulka: Dialogue with the (Demons in the) Tool, by Lenka Dolanova with Woody Vasulka; A Demo Tape on How to Play Video on a Violin, by Jean Gagnon; Application to the Guggenheim Foundation, 1980, by Ralph Hocking; Thoughts on Collaboration: Art and Technology, by Sherry Miller Hocking; Interstitial Images: People and Networks; Index; Colour Plates.

ITEM 2014.075 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Paik/Abe Video SynthesizerNam June Paik

Paik/Abe Video SynthesizerShuya Abe

ResolutionRalph Hocking

Light and Darkness in the Electronic Landscape: Some Aspects of the Video ImageBarbara Buckner

Beck Direct Video SynthesizerStephen Beck

Memory SeriesCarolina Esparragoza

CantaloupJeffrey Schier

CantaloupWoody Vasulka

CantaloupSteina Vasulka

EvolutionWoody Vasulka

EvolutionSteina Vasulka

Expanded CinemaGene Youngblood

BruitsJaques Attali

The Templeton MixerLawrence Templeton

Present Continuous Past(s)Dan Graham

99 Red Balloons: Be Careful Who Sees You When You DreamJenny Marketou

Artificial ChangelingsToni Dove

Very Nervous SystemDavid Rokeby

Signwave Auto-IllustratorAdrian Ward

LoopsPaul Kaiser

LoopsSally Eshkar

TextArtW. Bradford Paley


The BrotherhoodWoody Valsulka

Sandin Image ProcessorDan Sandin

Rutt/Etra Video SynthesizerSteve Rutt

Rutt/Etra Video SynthesizerBill Etra

The VideolaDon Hallock

Coat of EmbraceLoVid

Freedom ConfinedLoVid

ArtifactsWoody Vasulka

Voice WindowsSteina Vasulka

KnitProCat Mazza

Electronic Video SynthesizerEric Siegel

Dual ColorizerEric Siegel

Violin PowerSteina Vasulka

What is Freedom?Hannah Arendt

CTHEORY MultimediaArthur Kroker

CTHEORY MultimediaMarilouise Kroker

CTHEORY MultimediaTimothy Murray

The File RoomAntoni Muntadas

One Year PerformanceMTAA

Whatever Your Mind Can ConceiveKristin Lucas

Hello WorldCory Arcangel

The Yes Men Fix the WorldThe Yes Men

Video Paint 1.0Jeremy Bailey

Video Paint 2.0Jeremy Bailey

Video Paint 3.0Jeremy Bailey

Transborder Immigrant Tool: Mexico/US Border Disturbance Art ProjectElectronic Disturbance Theatre

Les ImmatériauxJean-François Lyotard

TechnesexualElle Mehrmand

TechnesexualMicha Cárdenas

Queer Technologies: Automating Perverse PossibilitiesZach Blas

Tom DeWitt

Tom Ditto

Phil Edelstein

George Brown

Steina Vasulka

Kyle Lapidus

Brice Howard

Peer Bode

Shalom Gorewitz

John Godfrey

Gary Hill

Ken Knowlton

Wolf Vostell

John Whitney

Irit Batsry

Fred Barzyk

Tali Hinkis

Alex Hahn