Critical Writing Index

Toronto Living with Aids

by Ryan Conrad

Toronto: Public Books, 2024

ISBN 9780921344582

Toronto Living with AIDS edited by Ryan Conrad features interviews, reflections, and essays on the Toronto Living with AIDS (TLWA) cable series that was distributed on Rogers and MacLean-Hunter networks in Toronto from 1990-1991.TLWA represents the largest and most organized community-based effort to create audiovisual work about the AIDS crisis in Canada. The series was eventually terminated as a result of concerns over censorship. This book is published as part of a project to recover, preserve, digitize, historicize, and analyze the TWLA series and its impact in Toronto and Canada more broadly. Ryan Conrad maps the progression of the epidemic along-side the progression of consumer-grade video technology.


Introduction by Wanda vanderStoop and Kim Tomczak;

Cable Access Queer: Revisiting Toronto Living with AIDS (1990-1991) by Ryan Conrad;

Interviews with Original Participants in Toronto Living with AIDS projects including Debbie Douglas, Richard Fung, John Greyson, Colman Jones, Glace Lawrence, James MacSwain, Ted Myerscough, Ian Rashid, Kaspar Saxena, and Darien Taylor;

Reflections by Chase Joynt, Alison Duke, Andil Gosine, Peter Knegt, Kiera Boult, Kristin Li, Alex McClelland, Mikki Burino, Jamie Whitecrow, Jon Davies, and Jessica Whitbread;

Biographies for interviewees and reflectors.

The TLWA series includes:

The World is Sick (sic) (1989)

Fighting Chance (1990)

Nibo' Apinewin (1990)

Bolo! Bolo! (1991)

Voices of Positive Women (1992)

The Great AZT Debate (1989)

The Medicine Show (1990)

AIDS: A Family Affair (1990)

Person Livid with AIDS: A Day in the Life of a Gay Man Living with AIDS (PLWA) (1990)

anOther Love Story (1990)

The Cause of AIDS: Facts and Speculation (1990)

The Colour of Immunity (1991)

ITEM 2024.009 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Fighting ChanceRichard Fung

Bolo! Bolo!Kaspar Saxena and Ian Rashid

The World is Sick (sic)John Greyson

Médecins de CoeurTahani Rached

Our Bodies Our BusinessGeorge Stamos

Angry InitiativesJohn Greyson

Defiant StrategiesJohn Greyson

The Cause of AIDS: Fact and SpeculationColman Jones

Lest We Forget: Syphilis in the AIDS EraColman Jones

How to Have Sex in an Epidemic: One ApproachMichael Callen and Dr. Joseph Sonnabend

House of NumbersBrent Leung

AIDS: A Family AffairMarc Berube and Steve Walker

Person Livid with AIDS: A Day in the Life of a Gay Man Living with AIDSMichael Smith

The Medicine ShowGregory Wright and James MacSwain

The ExecutorJames MacSwain and James Shedden

anOther Love Story: Women and AIDSDebbie Douglas and Gabriella Micallef

Working GirlsLizzie Borden

Les Autres/ Women and AIDSAnne Goldens

The Colour of ImmunityGlace Lawrence and Black CAP

Nibo' ApinewinTed Myerscough

Keewaywin: AIDS in the First NationsDoug Broman

OrientationsRichard Fung

Bright EyesStuart Marshall

Steam CleanRichard Fung

Sea in the BloodRichard Fung

Dance of the RevolutionPhillip Pike

Voices of Positive WomenMichael Balser amd Darien Taylor

Enough is EnoughDebbie Douglas and Gabriella Micallef

SkinColin Campbell

Zero PatienceJohn Greyson

Rex vs SinghRichard Fung

These Shoes Weren't Made for WalkingPaul Lee

Video Re/ViewLisa Steele and Peggy Gale

The Pink PimpernelJohn Greyson

No Sad SongsNick Sheenan

This is Not an AIDS AdvertisementIsaac Julien

Déjà Vu: AIDS and Historical PerspectiveColman Jones

Second Generation, Once RemovedKaspar Saxena

Sally's Beauty SpotHelen Lee

Lesley ChanUnfinished

Brian, Tim and DarianPam Davenport

The Great AZT DebateMichael Balser and John Greyson

Fuck Positive WomenAllyson Mitchell and Jessica Whitbread