Critical Writing Index

Janis Cole and Holly Dale's Cinema of Marginality

by Kay Armatage

North of Everything: English-Canadian Cinema Since 1980, 2002

Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2002

Citing a previous lack of scholarly attention to the documentaries of Janis Cole and Holly Dale, Armatage takes a deep dive into the two artists' videographies. The text places each film into context with its contemporaries, using this comparison to define the unique narrative techniques and treatment of the subject within Cole and Dale's films. Armatage pays careful attention to the ways in which the duo's films on working class subjects, sex work, and incarceration center empathy and authenticity in their filmmaking. The article also outlines the factors that have lead to less recognition for women filmmakers within the film industry.

ITEM 2002.263 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Hookers on DavieJanis Cole

Hookers on DavieHolly Dale

Thin LineJanis Cole

Thin LineHolly Dale

P4W: Prison for WomenJanis Cole

P4W: Prison for WomenHolly Dale

Dangerous OffenderJanis Cole

Dangerous OffenderHolly Dale

Caged HeatJonathan Demme

Shaggie: Letters from PrisonJanis Cole

The Birdman of AlcatrazJohn Frankenheimer

The HurricaneNorman Jewison

Cream SodaHolly Dale

Cream SodaJanis Cole

Minimum Charge, No CoverJanis Cole

Minimum Charge, No CoverHolly Dale

Bowie: One in a MillionJanis Cole

Calling the ShotsHolly Dale

Calling the ShotsJanis Cole

Streetwalking on a Ruined Map: Cultural Theory and the City Films of Elvira NotariGiuliana Bruno

Joyce at 34Joyce Chopra

Not a Pretty PictureMartha Coolidge

Blood & DonutsHolly Dale