Critical Writing Index

Magnetic North

by Jenny Lion

Minneapolis: Walker Art Centre, 2000

ISBN 0816637792

Magnetic North, an anthology edited by Jenny Lion accompanies a 6-part series of experimental video by Canadian artists. This series, also titled Magnetic North, consists of 40 tapes by 47 artists made between 1971 and 2000. The project aims to bring Canadian video to the US, thus crossing the cultural border. The book features film stills, excerpts, critical essays, conversations, and thoughtful responses. It is organized with the intention to facilitate alliances and interactions across media and generations. Magnetic North celebrates artists working in Canada with specific acknowledgment of the artist-run-centres that support the production and presentation of art across the country.



Forewords by Kathy Halbreich, Val Klassen, and Sheryl Mousley;

Acknowledgments by Jenny Lion;

Project/Process: An Introduction to Magnetic North by Jenny Lion;

Richard Fung on 60 Unit: Bruise;

Catherine Opie on Untouchable;

Sara Diamond on Whitewash;

George Lipsitz on Continuons Le Combat;

Body, Voice, Narrative by Nicole Gingras;

Wendy Clarke on Qulliq;

Rebecca Baron on Somalia Yellow;

Yvonne Rainer on Delicate Issue and Object/Subject of Desire;

George E. Lewis on Television Spots;

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun on In Response to the Dumbest Question of the 20th Century;

Film to Video/Video to Film: Two Case Studies from Canada by Bruce Jenkins;

Ernest Larsen on Le Voleur Vit en Enfer;

George Kuchar on Awakening of Desire and Danny Kaye's Eyes;

Puhipau in Conversation with Zacharias Kunuk;

Indigenous Experimentalism by Victor Masayesya;

Marjorie Beaucage on Maigre Dog;

Gary Kibbins on Good Afternoon Royal Tower;

Performing the Body: Work, Eat, Die on Video by Chris Straayer;

Bill Horrigan on The Jungle Boy;

Sherry Millner and Carrie Mae Weems on Birthday Suit-With Scars and Defects and Hollywood and Vine;

An Other Videoscape by Peggy Gale;

Program Listing;

Artist-run Centres and Distribution;

Artists' Biographies;

Suggested Readings;

Reproduction Credits;


ITEM 2000.163 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Continuons le combatPierre Falardeau

60 Unit BruisePaul Wong and Kenneth Fletcher

UntouchableThirza Cuthand

WhitewashJan Peacock

Delicate IssueKate Craig

Face StoryCathy Sisler

Stagger StoriesCathy Sisler

Better MeCathy Sisler

QulliqArnait Ikajurtigiit

Piujuq and AngutautuqArnait Ikajurtigiit

Ataguttaaluk StarvationArnait Ikajurtigiit

AqtuqsiMary Kunuk

Yes Sir! Madame...Robert Morin

Le voleur en enferRobert Morin and Lorraine Dufour

The Hundreds VideosSteve Reinke

Rien que la vérité, toute la véritéManon Labrecque

C't aujord'hui qu'Manon Labrecque

En deçà du réelManon Labrecque

Die DyerAlain Pelletier

Faust méduséAlain Pelletier

Maigre DogDonna James

Interrupted AttemptGrant Poier

Somalia YellowAllan Harding MacKay

MeetjoyCarolee Schneeman

Object/Subject of DesireShawna Dempsey and Lori Millan

Television SpotsStan Douglas

Thirty-Second SpotsJoan Logue

AmerikaAl Razutis

98.3 KHz: (Bridge at electrical storm)Al Razutis

Die DyerAlain Pelletier

Ballet MécaniqueFernand Léger

The Draughtsman's ContractPeter Greenaway

Danny Kaye's EyesDoug Melnyk

Awakening of DesireSimon Hughes

AtanarjuatIgloolik Isuma Productions

AvamuktalikIgloolik Isuma Productions

HopiitVictor Masayesya

Itam Hakim HopiitVictor Masayesya

Imagining IndiansVictor Masayesya

Good Afternoon Royal TowerLeon Johnson

What Food DidToni-Lynne Frederick

A Prayer for NettieDonigan Cumming

The Jungle BoyJohn Greyson

Hollywood and VineColin Campbell

Birthday SuitLisa Steele

Womb with a viewSherry Millner

DisasterSherry Millner

An Insertion (My Mouth)Eric Cameron

My Five Years in a NutshellVincent Trasov

PilotGeneral Idea

MonodramasSan Douglas

Halifax Broadcast WorksIan Murray

Changing ChannelsIan Murray

Crime Time Comix Presents Steel and FleshEric Metcalfe and Dana Atchley

Out of ControlNoel Harding

No voice OverColin Campbell

Black and LightColin Campbell

Tristesse modèle réduitRobert Morin and Lorraine Dufour

Quartet for DeafblindNorman Cohn

ScarsLorna Boschman

Doing TimeLorna Boschman

Ten Dollars or NothingSara Diamond

The Lull before the StormSara Diamond

Ordinary Shadows, Chinese ShadePaul Wong

The Way to My Father's VillageRichard Fung

Chinese CharactersRichard Fung

Legal MemoryLisa Steele and Kim Tomczak

Nunaqpa (Going Inland)Igloolik Isuma Productions

Le temps d'une prièreJacques Benoît and Jean-Claude Germain

Pea SoupPierre Falardeau and Julien Poulin

Mémoire d'octobreJean-Pierre Boyer

L'amiantose tueClaude Bélanger

Chaperons rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)Hélène Bourgault and Helen Doyle

JoeNorman Thibault

Hitch-HikingFrank Vitale

Réaction 26Charles Binamé

DistanceLuc Bourdon and François Girard

Tango TangoFrançois Girard

Le trainFrançois Girard

Réminiscences carnivoresMarc Paradis

PositivMike Hoolboom

Le Beau JacquesStéphane Thibault

La conversation: métaphore vidéoDaniel Carrière and Richard Angers

Buffalo Bone ChinaDana Claxton

SlangRae Staseson

1/4 MoonDavid Askevold

EmporiumNathalie Bujold

99 MenHo Tam