A Subversive Etiquette: Yoko Takashima delivers sophisticated, subtle video works from the gender front.
Canadian Art, Summer 1998, v. 15, no. 2, pp. 34-36
In this issue of Canadian Art magazine, Sarah Milroy writes an article about her interview with video installation artist Yoko Takashima. Living in Chauvin, then Lethbridge, Alberta, Takashima discusses her experience of being raised within Japanese society and gives insight into her video works that deal with gender, sexuality and the body.
ITEM 1998.030 – available for viewing in the Research Centre
Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited
Pointe – Yoko Takashima
Yoko Takashima
As I – Yoko Takashima
Yoko Takashima
Brushisms – Yoko Takashima
Yoko Takashima
Islands Burning