
Curatorial Incubator v.13: NSFW

Curatorial Incubator v.13: NSFW


Curated by Emily Marshall
March 11 – April 01, 2016

Opening Reception:
Friday, March 11, 2016, 6-8pm
(Screening at 6:30pm follow by a Q&A session with the curator)


This year, The Curatorial Incubator, v.13 – The Job of Life asked emerging curators to consider the changing environment we call “work”. Banal or exhilarating, fully public or deeply domestic, work is all around us. Each has done extensive research in the Vtape holdings and beyond to assemble their challenging programs of media artworks.

The final program of this year’s Curatorial Incubator is Emily Marshall’s examination of the diverse experience of those involved in sexual commerce –––including male, female and trans workers.

NSFW has become a pervasive acronym, a marker on the Internet for content deemed too shocking or profane for viewing while at work. The slang term is peppered throughout news articles speaking of scandal; added as an introduction for a URL to a salacious website; attached to blurred photos of nude bodies. In short, content you would not examine in front of your boss or colleagues is dubbed “not safe for work”. But what if that sexually explicit content is your work?

Emily Marshall

Rodney Werden’s Call Roger (1975), 11:00.
Vivian Kleiman’s My Body’s My Business (1992), 16:00.
Mirha-Soleil Ross’ Chroniques (1992), 12:00.
Sandra Dametto’s Who’s the Criminal? Prostitution and the Law (1994), 23:00.


image above from Chroniques, by Mirha-Soleil Ross (1992)

Emily Marshall is an art historian and emerging curator currently completing her Master’s in Art History at Queen’s University. Her research examines issues of gender, sexuality and modernism with special interest in the relationship between visual culture and socio-political environments. She has previously worked for the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre.