Vtape’s office is currently closed due to concern over the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario and worldwide. However, working primarily from home, Vtape staff are able to continue to do most of the work we usually do. You can contact us by e-mail (preferred) or by telephone at 416.351.1317. A voice message will be received by the appropriate staff person.
Distribution: Most titles and media can be provided to clients in the usual way. Delivery may take longer than usual, so please place your order as early as possible. For distribution orders or preview information, contact Wanda VanderStoop at wandav@vtape.org and Dustin Lawrence at distribution@vtape.org.
Technical Services: We currently have no way for clients to drop off or pick up digitization and restoration jobs, so we are not taking on new orders for technical work. As legal restrictions and the public health situation change, we will adapt our working procedures, and will announce any changes here. For general inquiries about digitization and other technical services, contact kimt@vtape.org.
Artists’ Submissions: Submissions for distribution with Vtape remain open during this time; please send all submissions in digital form to info@vtape.org. See Distribution for Artists for more information.
Programming: Although no on-site public programming will take place for the next few months, our current online series, fractured horizon – a view from a body, curated by Yaniya Lee, will add a new title every Friday through the end of July.
For administrative or financial inquiries, please contact Development Director Deirdre Logue at deirdrel@vtape.org, or Finance Manager Chris Gehman at admin@vtape.org.
If you have a more general or urgent inquiry, please contact info@vtape.org. We will respond as promptly as we can.
Please note that our building, 401 Richmond St. West, and our shared space, The Commons @ 401, are closed and locked at present. Thank you! Best wishes from Vtape’s staff – stay safe and well.