
The POXIOX Study: Tales of the End of the World

John Knecht

1996, 28:00 minutes, Colour, English with English subtitles

TAPECODE 2146.03

The POXIOX Study: Tales of the End of the World is a layering of narratives which describe the moment of rapture at the end of the world on New Years eve at the dawn of the Third Millennium. Consistent crawling text and voice over provide the primary narrative of multiple characters as they prepare for the blast of the post-dimensional afterlife. Follow along with Nixy and Pickles, Shiva, Buster the Duck and Mr. Capricorn as they break through the pressure wall and enter the swirls of eternity.

'The title came from daughter who was five years old at the time and was saying "POXIOX" all the time. I asked her what it meant and she replied "something really, really big, Dad." - John Knecht

(“POXIOX” is pronounced: “pox-ee-ox”)

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