

John Knecht

1999, 07:47 minutes, colour, English

TAPECODE 2146.05

The WOBBLE DOBBLE SERIES, is in six parts:

1. Shiva’s Parley
2. daft basket promo +
4. Hoo-Hoo
6. Hapmoo’s Paradox

I once knew a man who invented his own language. He would give directions to strangers in a fictional tongue,  relentlessly waving his arms and pointing as he ranted.  He wore a fur coat that hung to his ankles; but only on the hottest days of summer.  I remember a time when he carried around a very large paper mache’ rat that he had found. For a week or more he paraded up and down the street with this giant dead rodent over one shoulder and a baseball bat over the other shoulder, shouting “I finally got that son of a bitch, I finally got him”. He could be heard in the bank asking for a withdrawal of fifty thousand nickels. His car was equipped with a series of mirrors placed on the front seat and the dashboard which would allow him to drive down the street using the mirrors as a visual guide;  giving the appearance of a car moving along without a driver. He called himself and every one else, Dr. Wobble Dobble. The man was my neighbor and a daily presence in my childhood. His influence had a profound impact on  my becoming an artist. In this series of one minute tapes I am celebrating his invented logic.
Beyond all of this content, 
The WOBBLE DOBBLE SERIES is a formal exercise in sound, image and movement. 

- John Knecht,
The WOBBLE DOBBLE SERIES Program Notes (2000)

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Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


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