

John Knecht

2010, 06:50 minutes, colour, English

TAPECODE 2146.09

Deluge is engaging and amusing, but also quite serious. It is metaphorical on multiple levels. Most obviously these days, it evokes the evolving reality of climate change and recent weather disasters... And yet, even as the issues that the videos seem to reference have become increasingly dire, Knecht’s mood in addressing them has grown somewhat lighter than the mood of the 1990’s videos—as if advancing age has, over time, caused such a pile-up of political and, environmental concerns and terrors that Knecht can only laugh and try to be grateful for, at least, the opportunity to continue making videos.
Deluge (2010) is the quintessential, post-9/11, Knecht piece. This seven-minute single-channel installation work (it has been shown in galleries and as an outdoor public projection (at the Everson Museum in Syracuse, New York, in 2011, for example) is engaging and amusing, but also—like Knecht’s other recent work—deeply evocative both politically and autobiographically. Deluge creates an entirely phantasmagoric space, the experience of which is maximized by seeing the piece projected large.”

- Scott MacDonald, “Continuing Deluge: the Video Work of John Knecht”, 
AFTERIMAGE The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, Vol. 46, No. 4, Dec. 2019.

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Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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