
"Curiosities from the Anthropocene"

John Knecht

2020, 08:41 minutes, colour, English

TAPECODE 2146.12

Curiosities from the Anthropocene began as a series of colored pencil drawings of "curiosities". I was thinking about the 18th Century phenomenon of the "cabinet of curiosities". Where the privileged colonizer would bring back souvenirs of the Other. Here is a look at curious souvenirs that have come back from the late Anthropocene. I am taking the viewer to the post-apocalyptic space of their origin where songs of destruction are mixed with contaminated eroticism in the ruins. This is not, necessarily, a friendly cartoon.
- John Knecht

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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