
Somalia Yellow

Allan Harding Mackay

1994, 19:00 minutes, colour, English & Somali


Somalia Yellow is derived from footage shot in March, 1993 during the artist's Canadian Armed Forces Civilian Artists assignment, "Somalia: Operation, Deliverance and Cordon".
The tape moves through an extraordinary pictorial view of war-ravished Mogadishu, the natural desert formations of Somalia, the Canadian military compound where a Somali youth was murdered and the accused soldier attempted suicide. Finally, a compelling look at an outdoor abattoir in Belet Huen that documents the ancient ritual of healing through a blood bath of a child at dawn.
The visuals and sound operate at two levels, one in extended slow motion while the other moves at a more fleeting pace. The tape is unusual in the context of traditional war art in that it has transformed raw documentary footage into a highly personal and poetic response by the artist to the juxtaposition of military intervention to natural and social realities of Somalia.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Magnetic North
by Jenny Lion. Minneapolis: Walker Art Centre, 2000.
Lassoing talent for High Performance Rodeo
by Chris Dafoe. The Globe and Mail, Jan. 10, 1998.
Somalia Yellow: Artist Explores Canada's Role in War-Torn Country
by Dinah Clarkson. Calgary Herald, Jan. 1998.
Rodeo show puts war artist on the spot
by Martin Morrow. Calgary Herald, Jan. 9, 1998.