

Leslie Peters and Lisa Foad

2002, 09:45 minutes, colour


"Some people think the future is strange but I have a feeling some things won't change..."

is an ode to single gals with a home to keep: casseroles to cook, cakes to bake, tubs to scrub and lips to line (because everyday is a beauty pageant!). Your hostesses are the homemakers of "tomorrow": domestic dropouts who wash and whisk and mop and chop - its down and dirty domestic fun around the clock. Some say that housework is dull and makes a girl glum, but these gals will show you it's the drudgery that's all the fun.

"She's loved out loud. The only time clock in her life is the one on her range in the kitchen. Her schedule is subject to her mood. She'll never get fired" (
Ladies Home Journal 1952, Maiden Firm Brassiere Co. advertisement)

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

On the Threshold: Videos By Leslie Peters
by Images Festival and Chris Gehman. Images Festival Guide, Apr. 2004.